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Bruno Silva

Web Developer
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About me

Hi! I'm Bruno Silva, a 25 years old Brazilian developer. My first lines of code came early when I was 11 years, old I was already adventuring in front of the computer. I'm always looking for new horizons and launched myself in the IT market in 2015, since then I've been giving life to fantastic projects maybe I'll be part of yours!

Bruno Silva looking up


Here are some of the projects I've worked on

At Shawee I worked on over 80 hackathons and projects as a technical lead while also developing frontend applications. Check out some of these projects below!

DoWhile 2021 was an event created by Rocketseat that aims to connect the Brazilian technology community. Not only did I present at a live stage but also projected and developed the content platform used by the whole event.


On Rocketseat's website - an education platform for programmers focused on lifelong learning - worked on the development of the frontend, primarily on SEO, accessibility, scalability, GDPR, cookies-management, and much more.

Rocketseat Website

I developed the website for the Next Level Week, a free online event promoted by Rocketseat with content delivery for programmers.


Cool Stuff

What about the cool things I've done?

Above you can see the combination of two of my favorite projects: the Ambilight effect for YouTube embed videos, and the second one is the Doom game running on Unity with some custom light effects.

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Let's build something big together!

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